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Posted by on Jan 4, 2013 in Hajj, Q & A, Ramadaan |

Do I have to offer Qurbani?

Do I have to offer Qurbani?


Do I have to offer Qurbani?

If all the following conditions apply, then YES

  1.  A Muslim who is sound of mind (not insane)
  2. Mature (reached the age of puberty) ¨ A Muqueem (not a traveller i.e. in Islamic terms)
  3. A person upon whom Zakaat is obligatory. (It is not necessary that the amount is not in One’s possession for a complete lunar year)
  4. Qurbani means sacrifice at the time of Eid Ul Adha
(Qurbani. Page 7-8. ML. M. Salim Dhorat Sahib)