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Posted by on Jan 2, 2013 in General, Q & A |

How to: Istinjaa

How to: Istinjaa


How should one perform the Istinjaa?

The act of purifying oneself of the impurities excreted via the private parts is called Istinjaa. The method of Istinjaa is as follows:

1. It is best to use lumps of dried soil or toilet paper. They tend to absorb moisture and are efficacious for absorbing urine drops and in wiping the nijaasat (Filth).

2. After having used the above, the area to be cleaned should be washed with water.

Please Note: –

That it is not permissible to use newspaper, writing paper or any other object of honour and respect.

(Riyaadhul Jannah, Vol 2, No 6, p10, May 1993)