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Posted by on Jan 2, 2013 in Articles, Quran |

The manners of reciting The Holy Quraan.

The manners of reciting The Holy Quraan.

  1. Perform Wudhu. It is a sin to touch The Holy Quraan without Wudhu.
  2. Sit in a clean place and dress in clean clothes.
  3. Sit respectfully and humbly. Do not lean against anything nor stretch out your legs whilst reciting The Holy Quraan.
  4. Make sure your mouth is clean and free from unpleasant smells.
  5. Whilst reciting The Holy Quraan place it on a High and clean place, similarly when recitation is completed place it on a high, clean and elevated place. Also do not place anything on The Holy Quraan.
  6. Do not talk during the recitation of The Holy Quraan. However if the need arises, then respectfully complete the Ayah and close The Holy Quraan. If you would like to continue reciting The Holy Quraan then recite Ta’awuz and continue.
  7. Make the utmost effort to hold The Holy Quraan with the right hand and refrain from sitting with your back towards it.
  8. It is recommended to apply fragrance (ittr), perform the Miswaak (brush your teeth) and Face the Qibla before reciting The Holy Quraan.
  9. The only intention of reciting The Holy Quraan should to gain the pleasure of Allah and his rewards.
  10. At all times keep the mind free from other thoughts and concentrate on the recital of it. However if the mind begins to wander then stop the recital temporarily.