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Posted by on Jan 3, 2013 in Q & A, Salaah |

The Salaah of a Traveller

The Salaah of a Traveller


When a person becomes a Shar’ee traveller he makes Qasar i.e. he performs only two rakaats Fardh in Zuhr, Asr and Isha Salaat. Is it necessary to perform the Sunnah rakaats?

If one is in a hurry, he is entitled to leave out the Sunnah Salaat besides the two rakaats Sunnah in Fajr and he will not be sinful. However, if he has sufficient time and he is in no hurry, he is advised to perform them all and in full. The reduction in Salaat apply only for Fardh and not the Sunnah and Nafl.

Allah knows best

Riyadhul Jannah Vol. 2 No.7/8 June/July 1993