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Posted by on Jan 4, 2013 in Articles, Belief, Parenting |

The Sunnats related to the birth of a child

The Sunnats related to the birth of a child


1. Azaan should be said in the right ear and Iqaamah in the left once the child is born. (Musnade Abu Ya’laa).

2. On the seventh day of the birth, the child should be given a good name. (Abu Dawood).

3. Again, on the seventh day the ‘Aqeeqah should be done. (Abu Dawood).

The word ‘Aqeeqah denotes the slaughtering of an animal/s as a thanksgiving upon the birth of a child. If ‘Aqeeqah was not done on the seventh day, it should be carried out on the fourteenth day, otherwise the twenty-first.After this the rewards of ‘Aqeeqah will not be gained. Though, one will not deprive himself of the reward of slaughtering the animal/s and distributing or feeding its meat to the people.

4. The child’s head should be shaven and silver, equivalent to the weight of the hair should be given in charity. (Tirmizi, Jam’ul Fawaa’id).

5. After shaving the head, saffron should be applied to it. (Abu Dawood).

6. Two goats/sheep should be slaughtered for a boy and one for a girl. (Ahmad, Tirmizi, Ibne-Maajah).

7. The meat of the ‘Aqeeqah can be distributed both raw and cooked. (Raddul-Mukhtaar –Vol. 5 Page 128).

8. There is no restriction as to whom the meat should be given to the wealthy and poor are equal in this respect.

9. To make Tahneek. This is when a pious man is given some dates to chew which is then placed in the mouth of the child by way of benediction. (Bukhari, Muslim).

10. To educate the children on Salaah and other Deeni aspects when they reach the age of seven.

11. Upon reaching the age of ten, strict measures should be taken if the child does not comply with the parents order of Salaah.

Warning: Nowadays, by not using the above technique, parents spoil their children, wishfully thinking that they will automatically improve when they grow up. They, however, turn out to be more obstinate and disobedient. Children should be trained and inculcated with good character at a tender age, thereby strengthening their foundation upon which the whole edifice of their lives will rest.

Riyadhul Jannah Vol. 8 No 7 Pages 18