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Posted by on Jan 7, 2013 in Marriage, Q & A |

Regarding marriage & couples

Regarding marriage & couples


How should one’s wife address ones husband? Is it correct to call him by his name? 2. Some people say that a woman does not have to change her maiden name when she gets married (i.e. she may remain under the same surname except being entitled ‘Mrs’). What is the correct ruling regarding the above?

1. The wife should not address her husband by her name. This is regarded as disrespectful. The Arabs usually refer to their spouses as Aboo (father of) or Umme (Mother of) followed by the name of the son or daughter. This is called Kunyah.

2. They are correct. There is no need to change the maiden surname. A woman may retain her original surname.

Riyadhul Jannah-volume 9 No. 5. Page 11.