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Posted by on Jan 3, 2013 in Q & A, Salaah |

Reward for Salaah depending on location

Reward for Salaah depending on location


How many rewards are recorded when a person says his prayer in the following places:-

a) Home,

b) Markaz or islamic centre?

c) A public masjid where Jumu’ah is offered?

d) The Masjidul Nabawee in Madeenah?

e) The Masjidul Aqsaa in Jerusalem?

f) The Ka’baa in Makkah?

Prayers offered in the Haram of Makkah are rewarded 100,000 times more, those offered in Masjidul Nabawee are rewarded 50,000 times and prayers offered in Masjidul Aqsaa are rewarded 25,000 times more than prayers which are offered in ones local area Masjid. Prayers offered inĀ congregationĀ are 27 times more virtuous then prayers offered alone.

Riyadul Jannah Vol.7 No 2/3 P.13