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Posted by on Jan 4, 2013 in Q & A, Women |

Women and Hair

Women and Hair


Is it permissible for a woman to wear Western clothes, e.g. Shirt, trousers etc.

It is forbidden for women to wear clothes similar to men and to wear such clothing, which is a custom of any religion. Hindus, Christians or Jews. For example: – To wear Sari in such an area where it is a custom of Hindus and by wearing it one could not be recognised wherever she is a Hindu or a Muslim.It is also forbidden for women to wear such clothing which do not cover the whole body e.g. Skirts which leave the legs exposed etc because a women in Islam is commanded to cover all the parts of her body.The word Awrah (women) also means something that is concealed. It is mentioned in a hadith narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A) that the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, “There are two kinds of inhabitants of Hell whom I have not seen. One, persons holding whips like the tails of cows with which they will beat the people and the second, Women who will appear naked, and will twist their shoulders delicately and walk with waving motions. Their heads will appear like the heads of wedding she camels.”They will not enter paradise nor perceive its fragrance from such and such a distance. (SAHIH MUSLIM)The meaning of the above hadith is that the women will wear such clothing from which the parts of their body will appear (because of their tight fits, being narrow) or because some parts of their body being exposed, e.g. arms, legs like sari short sleeves, etc. It is also mentioned in a hadith narrated by Hazrat Ibn Abbas (R.A.) that the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) cursed males imitating females and females imitating males. (BUKHARI).Also it is narrated in a hadith that, “Whoever imitates any nation will be raised with them on the day of Judgement.”So a Muslim women should avoid wearing such clothing which is a custom of any other religion or similar to men or such clothing which does not cover her body.

(My Sister, Vol. 1, No 12)